The Decade Of Massive Spiritual Awakening

The Decade Of Massive Spiritual Awakening

Happy New Year!.png

Gosh, 2019 flew by so fast. So many energetic/internal shifts happened. It would be difficult to name and describe them thoroughly. It would have to be a book rather than a brief blog post. The entire last decade can be summed up as one massive spiritual awakening; which began in 2008 with the death of my mother. In the first few years, I kept on pressing the snooze button, mainly out of fear and lack of understanding of what was transpiring. The process of becoming aware and conscious was unfolding nonetheless; it was accompanied by the most bizarre physical/bodily symptoms I had no reference for. Most common ones were heart palpitations, swirling sensations in the chest area, buzzing electricity in the body (feet the most), poky/pressing like sensations between the eyebrows, empathically picking up random “stuff” from the environment (the hardest one to deal with). And of course the dreams, so surreal, vivid and informative. Not always did I understand the deeper meaning of it but I surrendered the human part of needing to know; because trying to figure things out can be exhausting. Yet the intuitive part of me knew, all has its purpose, meaning. A lot of healing, releasing happened as well. A ton of stuff surfaced up for processing. Bizarre occurrences continued as if there was an invisible director behind the scenes orchestrating everything.

The biggest spiritual shake-up happened in 2014 and then continued onwards with even bigger fervor. Many wonderful Souls walked into my life; teachers, healers, shamans, coaches. Met my Soul family (online out of all places). My heart’s filled with gratitude for all those soulful connections, they contributed to the tapestry of who I’m becoming. 

A lot of professional growth and maturation happened, attended amazing seminars, expanded knowledge of the human body, learned a lot. My heart whispers all this investment was laying the groundwork, the foundation if you will, for how my service will unfold in the future. So looking forward to it.

Wishing you a magical year 2020 and phenomenal decade ahead. May the most beautiful, heartfelt creations come into being for the highest benefit of all.

Sharing heart energy with others

Sharing heart energy with others

Goodbye 2017, Welcome 2018

Goodbye 2017, Welcome 2018