Drunk on energy

Drunk on energy

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
— Albert Einstein

A few weeks ago I went to Home Depot to pick up a couple of things. It wasn’t the most ideal time to visit such a behemoth of a store, because it was the weekend of the Black Friday shopping spree people tend to go on. The deafening noise of a big crowd, the constant beeping of some crazy machines, left me in a zombie-like state. As I shuffled between the aisles, it felt as if most of the energy got sapped out of me. It felt like I was stuck in molasses. To say that I got energetically pummeled would be an understatement. It didn’t matter that it was a 15-minute trip, at most. The moment I stepped outside, I checked in with my body and realized that the closest description to what my body felt like at that moment was: drunk/tipsy/ foggy brain. What the **** I thought ;-) It was like a giant, energetic slap in the face, which took me a few minutes to regain my balance from. Immediately, I did grounding and energy clearing. What an experience! I’m quite sure many of you out there with empathic abilities have some similar stories to share. I was so grateful that I had the awareness of what was going on, and was able to take charge of my energetic state. However, I wasn’t always so aware. Many years back, before I even understood what being an empath meant and how to use the empathic gift, I stumbled around a lot, feeling other peoples’ emotions: their aches and pain became my own; I cried over little things and was called “overly sensitive”. Oh, great, … what a label! I was swimming in a vast range of energy fields I knew nothing about. Well, after all, they can’t be seen, right? … Or can they? ;-) There were times when I ran on full capacity, times my energy bottomed out, to a point where I could hardly open my mouth to speak. But hey, that’s what an immigrant trying to make it in one of the largest metropolitan areas had to do; with full-time school at the time, two jobs - 7 days-a-week, and no break for a while. That continuous energetic roller coaster, up and down was hard! What also wasn’t helping was that I had no frame of reference to even understand what was going on with me energetically. I didn’t get why being around some people made my skin crawl, and others were a joy to be around. I couldn’t grasp why pain in my shoulder appeared when some guy sat on the train right beside me and then was gone the moment he left. There was another memorable experience that will be forever etched in my memory. It was early Friday morning on my way to a client. I was waiting for a train in NYC’s subway, I was walking slowly along the platform and practicing ‘’being present in the moment”. As I passed by two men who were several feet away, I sensed energetic-like tentacles, with a strong sexual undertone, reaching into my field. The energetic quality of their projection was so invasive that it made my entire body shiver the moment it hit my field. It was almost like a knee jerk reaction; absolutely instantaneous. I was utterly repelled by that creepy, chilling energy. I was stupefied by the experience, yet very grateful for being present enough and able to register those vibes. I can still recall how absolutely awful and crawly it felt. What an eye-opening experience it was.

So for a long time I was clueless to the fact that we are after all energetically connected. It took some years to learn about the process, and finally be able to differentiate what belonged to me, and what belonged to others. And of course, I’m still learning. After years of exploring the gift, I’ve come to respect it and actually own it. Finally equipped with practical tools, or more like life saving skills, I took charge of my empathic and intuitive abilities. As a result, they blossomed more and more and became a gift, instead of a burden. Intuitive empathy is the ultimate truth detector for me, since I feel my way through life and every circumstance encountered. It’s incredibly uplifting to sense energy, whatever the quality, whether one’s own or someone else’s. This priceless gift of intuitive empathy provides a much more accurate way of sensing the world, since people are not always what they seem. Outwardly one may look seemingly calm, yet internally be quite frazzled, jarring or antsy while projecting energetic darts your way. I remember a mentor once told me: “Energy doesn’t lie, only people do”! We constantly broadcast everything about us, and we give off vibes all the time. So honing these skills of sensing energy is invaluable. After all, our existence is one big flow of intelligent, self-conscious energy. We might as well at least become fully aware of it, and stop denying it out of fear someone will think us crazy. Who cares what others think of us, right? 

It’s the sweetest thing to sit in silence and feel motions of energy swirling and twirling in your field; absolutely heavenly and divine. However, it can be also quite challenging, especially when waves of pain, sadness, suffering make it into your energy field. But the profound and intimate understanding that comes with it is unbelievable. Wouldn’t trade it for anything. :-)

With a loving heart, Anna

Soul's Path

Soul's Path

Know Thyself. Embarking on a quest to self-knowledge

Know Thyself. Embarking on a quest to self-knowledge