Creative Expression Of The Heart

Creative Expression Of The Heart

Make visible what, without you, might have never been seen.
— Robert Bresson
Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona, Az

Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona, Az

Would it be an overstatement to say the majority of us, if not all of us, have a deep, heartfelt desire to creatively express ourselves, even if unbeknownst to us at times…? Our own very creation, if you will, whatever it might be.

For a long time, I've tried to tap into that elusive "source of creativity" that would allow the process of creating "whatever" to flow naturally. Somehow all those attempts didn't feel right, genuine, or sincere for that matter. Seemed like a struggle, felt like I was going through the mud, which made it even more frustrating. So I kept looking for answers on the outside, hoping they would be plastered on some giant billboard with my name on it. ;-) Oh boy wasn't I surprised to find out, it wasn't gonna happen that way. In any case, the desire for authentic self-expression only grew stronger. But it wasn't just any desire, it was a heartfelt calling from my very depths to align with my Soul's purpose authentically and with integrity and then create from that balanced place. Just like a dear friend of mine, Tom Benzian once said to me: "Whatever you do, deliver your talent in a way that doesn't degrade your energetic signature. Project energy into your work by being true to yourself."  So following a template laid out by others, simply wasn't an option. It just wasn't satisfactory enough. I so desired to step out of the conditioned, subdued way of being, dictated by societal norms into a more authentic Self, unbound by convention and free of external projections.

We go about our lives trying so desperately to be that awesome success story, at least what's considered a measure of success according to our culture, imposed beliefs, or familial conditionings. Surely, many people do become successful in their chosen domains. Possibly through pushing, forcing, or using the sheer will power to get there no matter what. We listen to the greatest coaches, read top seller books on how to achieve "that very success". We try to find the teacher who will have answers for us, who will show us the way. We usually get exhausted, disillusioned, and somehow unfulfilled in that pursuit. I certainly have! 

If you choose a path not aligned with your Soul's purpose, whose version of reality are you living? Yours or theirs? Are you even aware? It takes courage, a lot of courage to step out of the box and do it your way. The creative source, the spark that fuels our actions can only be found within. THAT was my greatest epiphany. However, the desire to tap into "the creative source" and authentically manifest from the Heart began to emerge only after a significant amount of healing and spiritual awakening. The layers upon layers of the wounded Self that made themselves known had to be stripped away so I could stand naked, raw, and honest with myself. That was the prerequisite so I could begin to hear the whisperings of my Soul. Liberation comes from finding our shadow, turning towards it, and making friends with it. Respect, express, release. It couldn't have been a more rewarding journey so far. What about YOU - how much do you want to consciously create YOUR version of reality?

Recognition of true nature of human beings

Recognition of true nature of human beings

The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence