Coherent Energy Field

Coherent Energy Field

Chaos is everywhere right now. Split amongst many groups, polarized thinking—a lot of scattered energy swirling around, further adds to the polarization. Each group is trying to convince the other; they are 'right'/woke, and the other is asleep sheep. Seemingly undiplomatic way of making one's point across, I believe many (not all) come from genuine care and are well-meaning in their intentions. 

I understand the need to seek the truth in the external world, dig deeper, and unravel the lies and deceit. But it may also become a trap, a never-ending journey that can take one further away from the center. While there's nothing inherently wrong with seeking the information from the external sources, it can turn into a merry-go-round, an impossible ride to get off. You're caught in mental planes, going from one theory to the next, attempting to find the crumbs that hopefully will lead you to the ultimate 'reveal,' which will change it all. There's much distortion, disinformation, misinformation. Know what kind of material to expose your eyeballs to. In no way is this a criticism of someone else's choices, rather a different perspective offered.

I've always strived for balance, an equilibrium of sorts, not just as a mental accomplishment but an energetic one. Too much entanglement with the external noise throws my balance and the inner world out of whack. Energy becomes incoherent, buzzy, scattered. The state is comparable to being on several cups of coffee, running around like a chicken without the head, and accomplishing nothing. I cannot offer much to the world when in such an erratic state. It's challenging to create from a confused state. The creative process requires a coherent state of being. Besides, I don't wish to add more disharmony into the collective. 


Heart Math Institute demonstrated through their research that "generating sustained positive emotions facilitates a body-wide shift to a specific, scientifically measurable state; termed psychophysiological coherence." It is a state of optimal function, harmony in a mental, emotional, physiological process. Once activated, physiological systems work more efficiently, better emotional stability, mental clarity, and improved cognitive function. 

If you wish to expand your knowledge on heart coherence, there's a fantastic article on HeartMath's site; I highly recommend it. They are the pioneers of this subject; their research goes back 25 years. 

But to sum it up, there is a difference between incoherent and coherent heart rhythm patterns. Emotions such as anger, anxiety, frustration result in incoherent heart rhythm pattern, which looks like an irregular, jagged waveform on a graph. Uplifting emotions of joy, love, compassion bring about coherent heart rhythm patterns, resulting in a smooth, sine-wave-like waveform. That's why, depending on what emotions we feel, different signals are sent throughout our bodies.

When the coherent heart rhythm is generated, two branches of the autonomic nervous system synchronize, and other systems within the body harmonize as a result.

The bottom line is this; we can shift our inner physiology through self-activation of sustained positive emotions. How empowering! 

Energy currency management is detrimental to our well-being, especially now in the midst of massive global social, political, and economic upheaval. Maintaining the center point takes a conscious choice. Striving for coherence and equilibrium within is paramount - it's a choice, your choice: a daily effort, moment to moment awareness as to where energy/focus goes. 

Remember, coherence can be self-generated; for instance, rhythmic 10-second breathing (5 sec inhale, 5 sec exhale) helps achieve that.  

My go-to solutions to bring about balance are; meditation, breathing, nature, exercise, hydration, healthy food, to name just a few. And of course, disconnecting from 'the news' and paying less attention to what's happening on social media. I love cooking, baking, reading.

You can be as creative with this process as you want. Make it your own. Enjoy creating a path unique to you and your journey. It may be different from someone else's way, and that's fine. We spend most of our lives seeking validation from the outside world to know whether our chosen path is the right one. Only your inner compass - soul - can direct you to where you need to be heading. Be inner-directed rather than externally focused. And remember to shine on, my friend. 


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