Reflections on Life's Journey

Reflections on Life's Journey

My insights, now that I turned…

Wow, I can't believe how fast time flies—last week marked 45 trips around the Sun. The last decade has been profoundly transformative; while my 30s brought substantial growth and expansion, my 40s feel more aligned with my true self. I learned much about myself as a human being and a badass' eternal sparkle of light'. Along the way, I've made some discoveries, had some epiphanies, mastered some lessons, and am still learning others… Here we go:

  1. Life is a journey of ups and downs, a spectrum of joy, happiness, and bliss intertwined with sorrow, disappointments, pain, and loss.

  2. I discovered/remembered a personal connection to Source/God/force/energy.

  3. Once you embark on conscious awakening, there is no going back; life takes on a radical shift.

  4. As you grow, expand, and explore spirituality and your divinity, be prepared to be judged and thought of as crazy.

  5. Convincing someone of ‘your truth’ is pointless; it’s a battle you can’t win, nor should you want to.

  6. Sharing parts of oneself is beautiful, yet be discerning who you share it with. Not everyone is ready for what you’ve got to offer.

  7. Not everyone is going to like you; make peace with that.

  8. No need to prove anything to anyone.

  9. Don’t take things personally.

  10. Your life path doesn’t need to be validated by the outside world. (but your ego may want it).

  11. You are a unique expression of Source physicalized, a gift to life itself; honor it; don’t try to imitate someone else.

  12. Please stop trying to fix others; it’s not your job; it’s a dysfunctional pattern that needs healing.

  13. The quieter the mind, the more subtle information available.

  14. Learning to trust intuition/gut feeling is an ongoing and ever-expanding process.

  15. My most significant investment was taking care of the body like a boss.

  16. Connection to nature, animals, and elementals deepens the more you engage with it.

  17. As the heart heals, you sense, feel, and empathize more; you become more loving & psychic.

  18. I got much better at discerning what belongs to me or someone else’s.

  19. Learning to flow with life more instead of trying to force it; forcing outcomes leads to unnecessary struggle.

  20. Observation, introspection, and the art of listening go a long way.

  21. The simplest of things bring the most joy.

  22. Love is a state of being.

  23. Relationships need nurturing, but not all are going to last forever.

  24. Forgiveness frees us from bondage.

  25. ‘Letting go’ makes room for newness to enter your life.

  26. People come into your life for a reason and leave for a reason, too, so let them.

  27. Vibes/energy reflects the inner state; words aren’t always aligned.

  28. It takes a lot of courage and inner work to be unapologetically authentic.

  29. Dreams offer guidance and insights through metaphors and symbols; I frequently ask for answers before bed.

  30. Shoveling emotional pain under the carpet doesn’t make it disappear; it only makes the pile more significant and can trip you up much more quickly.

  31. The critical voice in your mind that sabotages, constantly criticizes, and stops you in your tracks is not even your voice.

  32. When drama presents itself, ‘non-engagement’ is preferred.

  33. Bless people; even if you don’t know them, send them love.

  34. Know when to keep your mouth shut, mainly when triggered; not all words need to be spoken aloud.

  35. We communicate energetically 24/7; be mindful of what you’re sending out; that energy will return to your field.

  36. Everything you ingest and surround yourself influences your state of being.

  37. We all have an internal guidance system, an inner compass pointing to the true north.

  38. Care and nurture yourself on all levels; it’s an act of compassion and self-love.

  39. Smile and laugh more; it’s ok to be silly.

  40. Animal companions can be part of your Soul group; you can communicate with them from the other side, just like humans.

  41. Holding another being in your arms when they are crossing over the rainbow bridge is a life-altering event.

  42. We are all interconnected.

  43. The more balanced, integrated, and healthy you are on all levels, the better for the well-being of the human collective.

  44. The soul is eternal.

  45. The past is a collection of memories, and the future is a realm of possibilities. Learn to be present in the here and now.

Last moments with Bella

Last moments with Bella