Last moments with Bella

Last moments with Bella

“Animals are a window to your soul and a doorway to your spiritual destiny. If you let them into your life and allow them to teach you, you will be better for it.” Kim Shotola

Bella's health deteriorated fast last week; she lost interest in eating food. I thought it was one of her phases of being picky. Per the doctor's suggestion, I had to force-feed her for two days, and she actually was eating it. But she kept incessantly walking all over the apartment, almost as if she couldn't stop. The only way to make it stop was to carry her around in our arms. So my husband and I were switching back and forth and doing just that. Tuesday night, my husband was with her, holding her in his arms. I woke up too. She managed to go to her little corner in the closet where she'd sleep at night. I meditated, asked for assistance from 'above,' and kept sending her energy from my heart for her highest good. A few minutes after that — as if she heard me — she came over to my side of the bed. I held her in my arms till she fell asleep. Holding her in our arms seemed to have been the 'soothing balm' she needed. 

Wednesday during the day, it was more of the same thing. Then the night came… it was back and forth of her walking for a couple of minutes and my holding her to give her some reprieve. She managed to fall asleep; some moments were longer and restful, some brief. Then, as if the switch got flipped, she would want to be put down on the floor to walk again. This went on an entire night. The moment I saw she began to walk into places head-on, it finally dawned on me that she might not have much time left. Just didn't know how little. My husband woke up early and spent a couple of hours with us before having to leave for work. Not too long after that, Bella could no longer stand on her own feet by herself — so no more walking. Right then, it hit me, she is going…

I asked for assistance from other realms; called the entire entourage to help her with the transition. I also put 528Hz healing frequency music on. Grabbed selenite crystal. I kept holding her against my chest, crying my eyes out, and talking to her; saying:

I love you/we love you so very much. 
Thank you for your gift of life and everything you brought into our lives.
Thank you for all the lessons.
Thank you for your unconditional love.

Recited HO'OPONOPONO prayer- I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.

Then, among all of this anguish, a thought came — the best gift I can offer her is the Presence of my body, mind, and Soul, rather than ego. I stopped crying, neutralized emotions, and stillness/peace overcame me. From that place, I told her — 'it's ok to go, sweetheart, everything will be fine (I kept on saying it repeatedly)'. Didn't want her to hold on to this body while being in so much pain. It was absolutely agonizing to watch.

I asked if she ever wanted to come back; we would love that.

I looked up/around and said to Source/ All-That-Is — Witness this!  

And that's when Bella's breathing became very labored, as did mine. I felt tightness in the chest and a throat and couldn't take a deep breath. There was a lot of heat in both of our bodies, swirling in the chest area. This went on for a while. And then, after several of those agonizing breaths and her panting, the final one came; she stretched all of her leggies, and just like that — her spark left. I was left with a lifeless body. I remained in the same position with her for over an hour, just holding her and feeling all the feelings coming up. For a brief moment, my awareness registered a cold breeze on one of my cheeks; a consolation of sorts amidst a tormenting pain.

We held a private ceremony for Bella and had her body cremated. Dana, a beautiful soul who worked at the memorial center, assisted us with the entire process from start to finish. She was so kind, empathic, and soft-spoken; she kindly listened to stories about Bella and shared her own. Dana, Thank You from the bottom of my heart. We parted ways with a big warm hug and brought Bella home!

It was as painful of an experience as it was beautiful and so very intimate — to be present for another being in the time of the transition from this earthly reality. I feel so honored and humbled to have had this experience with Bella. It was truly a life altering event, an initiation of sorts. No clue where any of this shall lead but I am looking froward to it. My deepest wish is to honor her and pay forward the love she so gracefully and unconditionally bestowed. Holding hope that we will reconnect in this earthly realm one day. In the meantime, I shall work on communication with the unseen realm.

We will miss you sweet girl! RIP our little munchkin. 🤍🕊🤍

Reflections on Life's Journey

Reflections on Life's Journey

2020 a year that shook us from an ignorant slumber

2020 a year that shook us from an ignorant slumber