Discover Your Inner Teacher

Discover Your Inner Teacher

Manifestation happens at lightning speed nowadays. I'm seeing it in my own experience how fast answers appear; provided that I'm aware of the NOW moment in order to receive them.
The other day, I was being presented with an answer the moment the question was posed. Here is how it unfolded. I sat down to do free-flow writing. I'm typing away and all of a sudden I realize one of the previous posts was unsaved to the document folder. I proceed to take a look at what was written. As I'm going over a paragraph on creative efforts and manifesting them in the external world, few thoughts come in: 


‘How do I bring my gifts into this world? How do I make them manifest? I still haven't created anything.’ All of a sudden, an email notification sound goes off, I glimpse at the upper right corner of the computer to see if it’s important and the title stares at me in a face: “Discover your inner teacher”.
I just about fell off the chair; There was the answer?!. That's some speedy delivery, Universe. Thank you. :-)  

Interestingly enough, two years ago I wrote a post: Finding An Inner teacher if you care to check it out. Even though these two titles are identical, the second massage carries a different meaning. My intuitive guidance offered, this one is about 'teaching' through sharing own experiences (when guided to). Not from a perspective of some guru on a pedestal preaching to the masses but from a vulnerable and authentic place of offering one's lived experience; since we are unique expressions of Source energy, we can all assist each other greatly when we share our stories and creations. No need to shovel our truths down anyone's throats, but simply and humbly offer our hearts and experiences. As terrifying as it may be to share from such a vulnerable place, it can heal us individually and collectively.

Sharing our victories, triumphs, highs, and lows give others permission to do the same. I think on a deep level we crave authenticity, we are drawn to it like a moth to a flame. It's liberating. 

Current times are changing and shifting rapidly, as are we. New doors are opening. New roles, missions, adventures are being presented. We are being asked to step into the new. Gosh, I have to admit part of me is terrified of it (the new role) and another one excited about possibilities. What a lovely combination. :-) 

Well my friends, onwards and upwards. Wishing you clarity on your journeys and much courage to step into your new, empowered shoes. Stay on the path of service to the common good, be centered in the heart space, it will guide and direct our journey. 

With a LOVEing heart, Anna





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