All tagged health

As I was thinking about an interesting topic to blog about I decided to Google the word “diet”. Oh boy wasn't I completely blown away by the variety of what’s out there. It’s mind-boggling. Fresh diet, Gene smart diet, Jenny Craig, The Zone, Grapefruit diet, Step, Fruit flush diet, The Hormone diet, You-On a diet, 5 Factor diet, the list goes on and on and on. Despite the fact that there is so much information out there, how come people are still confused about diets, healthy eating and living healthy life styles?

Scientists recently made a remarkable discovery about the brains of rats that exercise. It showed that their brain cells respond differently to stress than the neurons of slothful rats. It has been proven some time ago that the exercise stimulates the creation of new brain cells but scientists haven't figured out how these brain cells might be functionally different... until now.