How To Live A Meaningful Life

How To Live A Meaningful Life

Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, elusive, godlike feature that only the special among us will ever taste, it’s something that truly exists in all of us.
— Will Smith

One of the biggest existential questions we all ask at one point or another, isn't it?

How to live a life of meaning, of greatness, of rich human experiences that expand body, mind & Soul?

When I asked this very question in one of my contemplative moments, here is what came out. As my fingers were swiftly moving across the keyboard, it felt as if it was flowing from the deepest parts of my Soul. 

Without further ado, here it is:

  1. Come out of the closet of smallness, of I'm not significant enough to make a difference, not enough of… (fill in the blanks).

  2. Step up from where you are, no matter how fearful.

  3. Say YES to LIFE itself and all it brings.

  4. Be willing to do the work and not shy away from the punches that come your way and they surely do come; it’s how growth happens.

  5. Say ‘Yes’ to healing all aspects of our lives no matter how painful.

  6. Say ‘Thank You’ for the wounds, the pain, for they offer an opportunity for profound transformation.

  7. Say ‘Yes’ to LOVE, to more kindness and compassion.

  8. Be open and vulnerable.

  9. Say ‘Yes’ to authenticity regardless of what others might think of you or judge you.

  10. Find your unique/personal connection to Source/God; find your own LIGHT.

  11. Share all that you are and be unapologetic about it; you’re in a constant state of becoming that’s ever changing.

  12. Knock down the walls so diligently built, particularly around the heart.

  13. Be wholeheartedly honest with yourself.

  14. Nurture all aspects of YOU, and show the world how to treat you in return.

  15. Take full ownership of your health and wellbeing; it’s your creation.

  16. Recognize own individuality expressed within a giant cosmic web of life; there is literally no else like you, you're that precious and unique.

  17. Practice gratefulness, always.

  18. Find your purpose and meaning in life.

  19. Develop reverence for all of life and honor those relations.

  20. Create more joy & happiness in your life, it will make giant ripples throughout the rest of the Universe.

  21. Participate in life mindfully.


With a loving heart, Anna


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