Healing Benefits Of Turmeric

In recent decades turmeric has been going through a renaissance of sorts, however healing benefits of this deep orangey fingerlike stalk, a relative of the ginger family, have been widely known for thousands of years;

Soul's Path

Soul’s path, a bit intimidating discussion to delve into but oh well, let’s try! ;-) How does one discover the Soul’s path; follow that inner knowing, and integrate it within the physical expression?

Drunk on energy

A few weeks ago I went to Home Depot to pick up a couple of things. It wasn’t the most ideal time to visit such a behemoth of a store, because it was the weekend of the Black Friday shopping spree people tend to go on.

The Mystic Heart

The field of energy medicine is inundated with many different modalities to choose from. I explored and personally experienced quite a few of them.

Healing Of The Heart

Four seemingly simple sentences and such profound wisdom. Looking a few years back, I wouldn’t have been able to understand its profound meaning, only intellectually perhaps.

Bad Back?

Are you one of those who have got a bad back or has ever thrown your back out? How many of you suffer from chronic low back pain? Americans spend at least $50 billion each year on low back pain, the most common cause of job-related disability and a leading contributor to missed work.